Relax in the Coda Karaoke Sparks Hotel Jakarta

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 13 Oktober 2010 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
Hotel Sparks
The atmosphere in the region Sparks Hotel Jalan Mangga Besar Raya, Jakarta , Jakarta busyness is like a piece of portraiture. The more nights, this hotel with 113 rooms looked more festive, like Jakarta that never sleeps.

Three-star hotel built with modern minimalist retro concept consists of eight floors. When entering the hotel lobby, a touch of luxury interiors with bright colorful domination welcomed the guests. Green, blue, purple, and silver shades emit an exclusive hotel. So, as an urban funky designer hotel was given to this hotel.

Various facilities are provided by the Sparks hotel. For example, The Corner, Exito Coffee Shop, and meeting rooms Chorus. In addition, Sparks Hotel also provides meeting rooms with a capacity of 10 to 100 people. There is another one of the pool walls are made of clear glass like aquariums. Is worth, if Sparks Hotel is more appropriately called the hotel to the concept of business and entertainment. WIFI facility can also be accessed from the lobby area, Coffee Corner, Exito Restaurant, and even from all rooms, free.

Sparks Hotel offers two convenient entertainment options for off fatigue after the move all day. Namely, M 'n B (Music and Bar) where you can sit back to enjoy live music or just dancing with a partner, or it could be to Coda Karaoke where you can sing all your favorite songs for free.

Coda Karaoke located on the top floor of this hotel, have some karaoke room that can be selected. All this space offers thousands of songs consisting of songs Indonesian, English and Mandarin. Usually, the more songs will be more confused to choose. But, it will not happen in the Coda Karaoke. Here all songs are stored neatly on a server. We just choose a song by title or artist. While singing, the other fellow can also choose their favorite songs available at the track list.

Not only that, the room is available at Coda Karaoke is also very comfortable. Equipped with a portable air conditioner that will give you all enjoy the atmosphere of cool songs. Coda Karaoke built with good acoustics are excellent. The rhythm of your voice will sound guaranteed not to the room next to it, then you can sing as much.

Coda Karaoke is also equipped with flat screen television and games are increasingly lighting brighten the atmosphere. If you have never tried it, a time to occasionally stop by here. Feel the sensation of karaoke at the Sparks hotel, and make sure if you're not going to feel disappointed

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Judul: Relax in the Coda Karaoke Sparks Hotel Jakarta
Ditulis oleh Lambang Insiwarifianto
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