Krisis Global Juga Hantam Industri Pariwisata Dunia

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 21 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
JAKARTA, SELASA - Badan PBB untuk pariwisata (UN-WTO/United Nations World Tourism Organization) memperkirakan pertumbuhan pariwisata global akan menurun. "Karena krisis keuangan global diperkirakan akan berlanjut sampai 2009, UN-WTO memperkirakan persentase laju pertumbuhan kunjungan pariwisata global akan berada di kisaran 0 - 2 persen," kata Staf Ahli Menbudpar (Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata) Thamrin B Bachri melalui pesan singkat dari China, Senin (17/11).
Thamrin berpartisipasi mewakili Indonesia pada International Conference on Revitalization of Tourism and Confronting Crisis di Chengdu Propinsi Sichuan, Cina yang diprakarsi oleh UN-WTO dan CNTA (China National Tourism Administration) dari 15 November - 19 November 2008.
Mengutip UN-WTO, Thamrin mengatakan padahal persentase pertumbuhan kunjunan pariwisata global pada empat bulan pertama tahun 2008 sudah mencapai rata-rata 5,7 persen. "Bahkan pada bulan Mei 2008 terjadi peningkatan permintaan mencapai 7 persen. Namun mulai Juni, Juli, Agustus 2008 pertumbuhan menurun 2 persen sehingga untuk 8 bulan pertama 2008 rata-rata pertumbuhan dunia 3,7 persen," katanya.
UN-WTO memperkirakan pertumbuhan pariwisata dunia akan terus melambat sekitar 2 - 3 persen sampai dengan Desember 2008.
Dalam konferensi internasional tersebut, kata Thamrin, ada hasil-hasil penting yang perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh Indonesia yaitu bahwa pembangunan pariwista hendaknya dilihat secara seimbang dari dua sisi yaitu optimalisasi dampak positif pariwisata dengan peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan asing dan wisatawan domestik, serta meminimalisir bahkan mereduksi dampak negatif pariwisata misalnya menyiapkan program antisipasi dampak pemanasan global dari sektor pariwisata.
Selanjutnya, kendatipun pariwisata dunia diperkirakan akan mengalami krisis sebagai akibat berlanjutnya krisis keuangan dunia, lanjut Thamrin, namun agenda-agenda yang terkait dengan global warming dan pembangunan pariwisata yang berbasis pelibatan masyarakat harus tetap dilaksanakan. "Ini himbaun UN WTO kepada negara-negara anggotanya," katanya.

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Bird paradise at Pulau Rambut

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 18 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

Not all of us know about the bird sanctuary in North Jakarta. Well, it is not exactly in Jakarta, but off the mainland on Pulau Rambut, an island to the north. You can get there in less than half an hour by fishing boat from Tanjung Pasir, Tangerang.

However, because it is a wildlife reserve, the island is not open to the general public. Its use is restricted to conservation, scientific research, education, and guided tourism.
Visitors who want to visit this island should request a permit from the Jakarta Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Center.

Mangrove and wetland forests cover two-thirds of the total area. Its abundant vegetation and location make this island an ideal habitat for sea birds.

Forty-nine bird species have been identified as inhabitants of Pulau Rambut whose total bird population numbers about 40,000. Most are cormorants, egrets, and herons. Some species are classified as rare or endangered and are protected by law.

The best time to visit is from March to September. Beside enjoying the nice weather, during this period visitors can watch birds feeding their chicks with freshly caught fish. At present only one observatory tower is available, which can accommodate about 10 to 15 observers.

In addition to birds as its main attraction, visitors can also observed other wild animals, including fruit bats (Pteropus vampyrus), hanging upside down in the trees and monitor lizards — called biawak — moving sluggishly along the forest floor.
 source : Jakartapost

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Tourism future bright despite travel warning: Minister

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 17 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

The Minister of Tourism and Culture Jero Wacik expressed optimism Thursday that the future of Indonesia's tourism remained bright despite a number of countries issuing travel warnings following the recent execution of three terrorists.

"Tourism conditions in Indonesia remain stable, particularly in Bali," he said.

Several countries, including Australia -- one of the largest contributors to tourist numbers -- has warned its citizens against traveling to Indonesia following the execution of Amrozy, Ali Ghufron and Imam Samudra.

The three were convicted terrorists responsible for the 2002 bombings of two popular night spots in Kuta. The blasts killed 202 people, mainly foreigners, and injured hundreds of others.

Jero said there were fears the executions would destabilize the country's security, but counterterrorism forces had managed to maintain stability.

Jero said he was confident that the travel warnings would not significantly affect the flow of foreign travelers into Indonesia, and denied they had triggered cancellations and a reduction in visitor numbers.

"Please check those facts. From which countries did these cancellations occur? Based on the report I received, everything is still going well," he said.

A small decline in tourist numbers over a one or two day period was normal, he said, but those instances should not be used to measure the overall conditions.

Citing official data, Jero said the number of foreigners visiting Bali was still around 6,000 tourists per day, exceeding the average of 4,500 visitors.

"This year the average soared to 6,000 and even 6,400 tourists per day. These are very good numbers," he said. Jero said this proved Bali was still a very attractive destination for holiday-makers.

From January to August 2008, 1,298,046 foreign and domestic tourists visited Bali, a monthly increase of around 10% compared to the same period last year.

"We think the numbers will remain at a high level, or even increase," Jero said.

Indonesia's receives the most tourists from Japan, Australia, Russia and Malaysia.

Source : Jakartapost

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Rihanna Batalkan Konser

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 14 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
Promotor Mengalami Kerugian Miliaran Rupiah
Pekerja, Kamis (13/11), membongkar panggung yang sedianya akan dipergunakan oleh penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat, Rihanna, pada Jumat (14/11), di Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta. Rihanna menunda konsernya karena khawatir dengan kondisi keamanan di Indonesia.
Jumat, 14 November 2008 | 03:00 WIB

Jakarta, Kompas - Ancaman bom dari orang-orang iseng membuat surut Rihanna (20), penyanyi R&B asal Barbados yang populer lewat lagunya, Umbrella. Hari Jumat (14/11) ini ia membatalkan konsernya di Jakarta. "Ada larangan berkunjung ke Indonesia," demikian isi surat yang dikirim manajemen Rihanna.

Pembatalan ini membuat Showmaster, promotor konser Rihanna di Jakarta, kelabakan. "Kami menerima surat pembatalan itu satu hari sebelum konser. Mereka membatalkan tanpa konsultasi dulu dengan kami," kata Troy Reza Warokka dari Showmaster, Kamis (13/11).

Showmaster menggelar jumpa pers terkait pembatalan konser album Good Girl Gone Bad ini. Jumpa pers digelar di depan panggung yang sudah disiapkan untuk Rihanna. Karena Rihanna batal pentas, panggung itu satu per satu dipreteli.

Rihanna adalah penyanyi R&B asal Barbados yang tengah naik daun. Sejak tahun 2005, ia sudah mencetak tiga album berjudul Music of The Sun (2005), A Girl Like Me (2006), dan Good Girl Gone Bad (2008). Beberapa lagunya seperti Umbrella dan Unfaithfull menjadi hit di dunia.

"Manajemen Rihanna di New York menjanjikan Rihanna akan tampil di Jakarta awal tahun 2009.

Akibat pembatalan itu, Showmaster memperkirakan kerugian mencapai miliaran rupiah. Kerugian itu mencakup sewa gedung, promosi, sewa peralatan, membayar kru dan lain-lain.

Kembalikan uang tiket

Pihak Showmaster berjanji akan mengembalikan uang tiket yang sudah dibeli penonton. Kata Troy, penonton bisa menukarkan tiket di tempat pembelian semula mulai Senin (17/11). Uang pembelian tiket akan dikembalikan penuh tanpa potongan.

Konser Rihanna adalah konser yang ditunggu-tunggu banyak orang di Jakarta. Buktinya, 6.000 tiket terjual habis. Bahkan pada minggu pertama sejak penjualan tiket dibuka, menurut Troy, tiket untuk kelas festival A dan VIP langsung terjual habis. Tiket festival A dijual dengan harga Rp 1,25 juta dan VIP Rp 2,5 juta.

Menanggapi adanya penilaian bahwa Jakarta rawan bom, Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum Polda Metro Jaya Komisaris Besar Muhammad Iriawan, yang dihubungi semalam mengatakan, "Itu hak mereka menilai seperti itu. Yang percaya itu tidak cermat," katanya.

Menurut Iriawan, tidak satu pun ancaman bom belakangan terbukti. Polisi tidak menemukan satu pun barang bukti yang menguatkan tuduhan bahwa Jakarta rawan ledakan bom teroris.

Polisi bersikap serius menghadapi ancaman bom meski kemudian yang terungkap cuma "lucu-lucuan" saja. (IND/WIN)

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Museum exhibits rare West Java batik

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 11/12/2008 10:45 AM  |  City

TOO SEXY FOR BATIK: Models present modern batik clothes at the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta on Tuesday. The museum organizes the two-week exhibition to promote West Javan batik. (JP/Nani Afrida)TOO SEXY FOR BATIK: Models present modern batik clothes at the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta on Tuesday. The museum organizes the two-week exhibition to promote West Javan batik. (JP/Nani Afrida)

Batik took to the catwalk Tuesday in a flashy display of modern fashion during the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta.

"I thought batik only came from Central Java. I never heard of West Java batik before," said a visitor to the exhibition, which is being held until Nov. 23.

West Java Batik, based on a tradition dating back to 1430, is not as well known as batik from Solo, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan.

"Only a few people know that West Java has its own traditional batik, which comprises the history and philosophy of the region in its beautiful motifs," said Dyah Damayanti, the head of the museum.

The exhibition, titled "West Java Tradition", displays about 100 various kinds of batik from several areas in West Java, such as Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Bandung and Indramayu.

"In some West Java areas, batik is already extinct, like batik Ciamis," Dyah said.

West Java Batik features motifs derived from the Sunda culture, which was influenced by both Hindu and Islam as well as cultures from China, India and the Netherlands.

Among the most recognizable of the West Java batik motifs are buketan galang gasi, parang kembang, lunglungan, urang ayu and mega mendung.

West Java batik is different from Central Java batik because of its use of vibrant colors like green, red, orange and blue.

Antique batik fabrics are on display at the exhibition, including a rare 300-year-old banner from Cirebon that features Arabic calligraphy.

"We hope that this event will inform visitors that Indonesia has many places with a unique batik style," Dyah said.

The fashion show featured the designs of several prominent batik designers and producers in Indonesia, such as Danar Hadi, Komar, Tiga Putri and Warna Alam Roso.

The exhibition is the result of a scenography workshop held in cooperation with the Dutch government. (naf)

Textile Museum
Jl. KS Tubun No. 4
Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday - Sunday
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday and public holidays: closed

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The Indonesian Travel Market - TIME 2008 in Makassar successfully concluded

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

MAKASSAR - The Indonesian annual travel mart, Tourism Indonesia Mart&Expo (TIME) or 'Pasar Wisata Indonesia' is concluded today with total attendance of 104 buyers from 21 countries. The top five buyers consisted of Malaysia, Korea, India and Indonesia, Singapore, and the Netherlands. TIME 2008 also attracted 108 sellers from 16 provinces of Indonesia, which mostly come from Jakarta, South Sulawesi, Bali, North Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta and East Kalimantan, and Papua.

The percentage of sellers based on industry is hotel, resort and spa (75 percent), NTO (10 percent), tour operator/travel agent (7 percent), adventure/activity holiday (3 percent), airline (1.5 percent), and others (hotel management, tourism board, tourism organization and travel portal (8.5 percent).

The above was reported during the closing press conference of TIME 2008 by the organizing committee of TIME 2008. "Despite the current global financial crisis and EU ban to Indonesian airlines, TIME 2008 has booked an estimated transaction of US$15.2 million," said Meity Robot, chairperson of TIME 2008.

"The conduct of TIME 2008 in Makassar has proven successful as a result of good cooperation among the organizing committee and organizer of TIME 2008 together with the local committee, which comprises the provincial government of South Sulawesi, City of Makassar, and the entire tourism industry, as well as associations in South Sulawesi and Makassar," said Meity.

"We have heard some positive comments and constructive notes have been expressed by delegates of TIME 2008 saying that Makassar has grown significantly since the last TIME 2006 and has shown tremendous progress in featuring the city as a travel and MICE destination, with its newest international airport and convention center, as well as development of new hotels and tourism attractions," said Meity.

Buyers and international travel writers are given the opportunity to take part in the post-tour program to Toraja for 3 days and 2 nights.

The organizing committee of TIME has decided that next year's TIME will be held in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. At press time by West Nusa Tenggara yesterday, the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara represented by the vice chairman of DPRD West Nusa Tenggara, in association with the Lombok and Sumbawa tourism board, stated that with full support from the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara, together with the entire tourism industry and association, they are ready to host TIME 2009 and 2010 and will assure that the venue, as well as infrastructure, will be ready in time so that TIME in Lombok will be successful.

Lombok is only a 20-minute flight from Bali. The island possesses various tourism potentials, from nature (mountain, sea, and land) to culture and arts, which could attract an international market. Presently, Lombok has 3,000 hotel rooms with international standards. With the present development of hotels in Lombok, by 2009 Lombok will have around 3,500 hotel rooms.

In terms of accessibility, Lombok is flown from Singapore by Silk Air; from Malaysia by Merpati Nusantara; from Jakarta by Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, and Batavia Air; from Surabaya by Merpati Nusantara, Lion Air, Batavia Air, and Citylink; and from Bali by Merpati Nusantara, Trigana Air, and Indonesia Air Transport. Beginning December 2008, the island will have a direct flight from Perth, Australia. Moreover, Lombok is now developing its international airport.

"The shifting of TIME to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara will be for two consecutive years - 2009 and 2010 - and is aimed at promoting Lombok and West Nusa Tenggara to the international market, as well as to foster the development of tourism facilities and improvement of infrastructure in the region so that at the end, the destination could enjoy itself as a global travel destination," Meity Robot concluded.

Last year, TIME 2006 in Makassar was attended by 110 buyers from 21 countries and 124 sellers from 20 provinces with a recorded transaction value of USD$15 million, whereas previously TIME 2005 in Yogyakarta was attended by 84 buyers from 23 countries and 128 sellers from 20 provinces with a transaction value of USD$13 million.

TIME 2008 is supported by the ministry of culture and tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, South Sulawesi provincial government, the city of Makassar, the South Sulawesi culture and tourism office, the Makassar culture and tourism office, Garuda Indonesia as the official carrier, Singapore Airlines, Etihad Airways, Korean Air, INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association), BARINDO (Board of Airline Representatives Indonesia), the embassies of Indonesia overseas, ASITA (Indonesian tour operators and travel agencies) South Sulawesi, PHRI (Indonesia Hotel and Restaurant Association) South Sulawesi and Makassar, the Indonesian Conference and Convention Association (INCCA), Pacto Convex as the event organizer, Indo Multi Media as the offical media partner, TTG Asia and Venue Magazine as supporting media partners, and

Tiara P.I. Hasibuan Project Leader Pacto Convex Ltd. Tel: (62-21) 570 5800 Ext. 214 Fax: (62-21) 570 5798 Email: Website:

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Newly Appointed General Manager of the JW Marriott Medan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

The JW Marriott Medan Indonesia is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Masi as General Manager. In this position, he will have overall responsibility for overseeing the hotel's daily operation. Mr. Masi will ensure that every customers needs are met, and service delivery exceeds the customer's expectations. With over twenty three years of experience with the Marriott Hotels and Resorts brand, Mr. Masi brings vast knowledge and strong leadership skills to his new role. Having held senior positions in luxury hotels in Asia, Russia and the United States he has strong passion for details, exceeding expectations and talent development.

Mr. Masi joins the JW Marriott Medan from his most recent appointment as Resident manager at the JW Marriott Hong Kong. Throughout his career, he has served as General Manager of Marriott Hotels in San Francisco and Michigan and Florida in the United Stated of America. Through his 23 year career he has held key assignments in Rooms, Food and Beverage and Regional roles.

His unrivalled operational experience running top-tier five star hotels will also be drawn upon in the design and development of the new five star hotel JW Marriott Medan due for completion soon. Mr. Masi who was born in New Jersey, USA said: "This is an extremely exciting time to be joining The JW Marriott Medan. The current team brings a great philosophy of "Spirit to Serve the Customers, Associates, Ownership and the Community, along with the ongoing promise of a stunning new five star International hotel in the center of Medan.  This is a wonderful career opportunity to be part of a hotel that is making a major statement on the 5 star International hotel scene."

"I have experience of operating large hotels at the very top end of the international star rating as well as exclusive five-star destination hotels where cutting-edge cuisine and extraordinary high levels of service are required by corporate clients. I will be drawing on this to help ensure JW Marriott Medan remains at the very top of its game."

"Our success as a leading hotel is built on high levels of service, our location and mix of top tier accommodations, Grand Ballroom, Meeting Space, signature Restaurants include Jade Chinese Restaurant, Prime Steakhouse and Bar, Lobby Lounge, Marriott Café and Marriott Gourmet Deli, Quan Spa and  Health Club facilities.

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Jakartans cook up old traditional recipes

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 10 November 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

The usually quiet and dusty yard of the Fatahillah Park in the Old Town area, West Jakarta, got a new spirit on Saturday.

The park turned into a big kitchen, with many tables, gas stoves, kitchen utensils and spices. Forty-five people, wearing aprons and chef hats, lined up behind a table, busily cooking spices into various traditional local dishes.

They were participating in the Old Recipe Cooking Festival at the 2008 Old Town Tourism Attraction, which kicked off Saturday and will end Sunday.

The amateur cooks and professional chefs cooked one out of the 10 local old recipes, such as besengek daging (meat dish), pindang ecot (fish soup), sate tulang (chicken satay) to international food like bestek (beef steak) and Japan's sukiyaki (soup).

Tatang Sumantri from the Jakarta Tourism Agency said aim of the event was to promote old recipes to Jakartans.

Youngsters also took part in the competition, which consisted of three categories: vocational school students, university students and junior chefs, and hotel, restaurant and catering chefs.

Henry and Jefanny, both students from hotel school STP Trisakti, said they were excited to take part in the event.

"We are not familiar with these old recipes. We only know about sate tulang, but we later decided to cook besengek daging because it is quite similar to rendang (spicy beef stew)," Henry, 20, said.

"This competition is a really good way to increase our knowledge about old recipes. I'm curious about cooking other old dishes," he said.

Prominent cook and head of the jury Rudy Choirudin said the main factor in the judging was taste, followed by presentation and creativity.

"The old recipes are legacy from our ancestors that's why it is important to preserve them and learn how to cook them," he said.

"Each participant should cook five portions because we give visitors a chance to taste the food.

"For visitors, you are also free to copy all recipes displayed in the area. We encourage you to cook these at home to preserve our old local dishes," he said.

The cooking competition is a part of a series of activities at the two-day event. It is the second time the annual event has been held.

There are some performances, like Kuda Ronggeng from West Java, Reog Ponorogo from East Java, Betawi dances, Portuguese keroncong tugu, Arabic zapin dance and Chinese barongsai.

Antique cars and bikes are also on display.

On Sunday afternoon there will be a ceremony to commemorate National Heroes Day, which falls on Nov. 10.

Jakarta Post 

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Ibis Arcadia

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 8 Agustus 2008 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

Indonesia Hotel

Category (stars).:

Hotel Ibis Arcadia Jakarta is located in the central business district, 45 minutes from Soekarno Hatta International Airport, conveniently located close to major shopping centres, banks, embassies and entertainment. Book one of our 93 rooms and make use of the facilities the hotel offer, including a restaurant and a bar.

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Ibis Tamarin Hotel

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
Hotel Ibis Tamarin is located in the centre of the city, close to major shopping centre and only 7 km from the Jakarta Convention Centre. Ibis Tamarin Hotel have 126 rooms and benefit from the hotel amenities, three meeting rooms, one restaurant, one bar, fitness centre and swimming pool. The Monas National Monument (the most famous landmark in Jakarta, standing at 132 meters and capped with 35 kilograms of gold) is just 2 kilometers from the Ibis Tamarin hotel.
Voucher Hotel Murah di Ibis Tamarin Hotel the website for reservation hotels in Indonesia with cheap hotel rates is provides the voucher hotel for Ibis Tamarin Hotel, please visit and compare the hotel rates offered and the voucher hotel able to find with the easy step like your reservation to other website hotel reservations, the different is the doesn't have the room allotment,  the system will send your request directly to hotel and after your reservation is confirmed by the hotel, Invoice for the payment will automatically send to your email address. Voucher hotel Ibis Tamarin Hotel will issued after the payment and ready to download through your account.

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Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
Ibis Mangga Dua HotelIbis Mangga Dua Hotel Jakarta utara terletak di kawasan China Town Jakarta Utara. Ibis Mangga dua Hotel dilengkapi dengan 201 unit kamar hotel dan 28 unit apartment 3 bedroom.

Lokasi Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel

Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel Jakarta dapat dicapai 30 menit dari bandara Soekarno Hatta airport dan hanya beberapa menit ke ITC Mangga dua dan Mangga dua Mall tempat pasar grosir di Mangga dua. Hotel di Mangga dua ini juga dekat dengan stasion kereta Gambir, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol .

Akomodasi Kamar di Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel

Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel menyediakan penginapan kamar hotel yang nyaman dengan total 202 unit kamar, 26 unit connecting room, 6 unit family room, 45 unit non smoking room. setiap kamar hotel di tata dengan dekorasi modern, nyaman dengan tempat tidur nyaman dan bathroom.
  • Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel tipe Standard room dengan 1 Queen Size bed, dilengkapi dengan 1 queen size bed, AC, coffee and tea maker, TV satelit, free wifi internet, IDD phone.
  • Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel tipe Standard room dengan 2 single bed, dilengkapi dengan 2 single bed, AC, coffee and tea maker, TV satelit, free wifi internet, IDD phone.
  • Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel tipe Executive Suite 1 Queen Bed, dilengkapi kamar yang luas, AC, extra living space, coffee and tea maker, tv satelit, wifi internet, IDD phone.
Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel Room fitting: 220/240 V AC, Air-conditioning, Emergency exit map, Free in-room mineral water, Telephone, Remote control TV, Wi-Fi in your room, Work desk in all rooms, DDI - Direct Dialing In, Satellite/cable colour TV, Manual temperature control, Coffee/tea making facilities, High speed transmission line, RJ 11 outlet

Bathroom Fitting: Shower, Toilets

Security features:Sprinkler in room, Audible smoke alarms, Security peephole, Emergency info in rooms

Hotel di area Mangga dua:

  1. Best Western Mangga Dua
  2. Novotel Mangga Dua Jakarta Hotel
  3. Le Grandeur Jakarta hotel
  4. Ibis Mangga Dua Jakarta Hotel
  5. Hotel Amaris Mangga Dua Square Jakarta

Voucher Hotel Murah di Mangga dua Jakarta Utara

Dapatkan penawaran harga hotel murah yang kami tawarkan untuk reservasi Ibis Mangga Dua Jakarta Hotel dan hotel - hotel di Mangga Dua Jakarta Utara lainnya.. hubungi Hikari travel Jakarta pada jam kerja senin - jumat dari jam 08.30 - 17.30 di 021-7668477 atau 021-7513323 atau mengisi "formulir reservasi "

Voucher Hotel Murah di Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel the website for reservation hotels in Indonesia with cheap hotel rates is provides the voucher hotel for Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel, please visit and compare the hotel rates offered and the voucher hotel able to find with the easy step like your reservation to other website hotel reservations, the different is the doesn't have the room allotment,  the system will send your request directly to hotel and after your reservation is confirmed by the hotel, Invoice for the payment will automatically send to your email address. Voucher hotel Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel will issued after the payment and ready to download through your account.

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Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta
The Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta, with its 325 guestrooms and modernly appointed Suites, offers luxurious comfort and spectacular city view. Conveniently located in the Jakarta’s business district and encircled by government offices and embassies, the hotel is only a 5-minute drive from shopping, dining and entertainment venues and a 35-minute drive from Jakarta International Airport, Soekarno Hatta.

Aryaduta Jakarta
The Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta
Jl. Prapatan No. 44 - 48
Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
T. +62 21 2352 1234 (hunting) F. +62 21 2351 8600

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Rooms

Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta offering the comfortable guest room with type of room as below:
  1. Superior room
  2. Deluxe room
  3. Superior club
  4. Deluxe club
  5. Signature Superior Club
  6. Signature Deluxe Club
  7. Junior suite
  8. Signature Junior Suite
  9. Business Suite
  10. Ambassador Suite
  11. Aryaduta Suite

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Superior Room

The unique culture of Indonesia is reflected in the decor of a 32 square meter room featuring plush king and twin bed, marble bath and work desk with high-speed internet access. The comforts of home plus added luxuries such as complimentary breakfast, 24-hour in-room dining services, daily newspaper and use of The Spa and Fitness Center make your stay as memorable as dynamic Jakarta itself.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Superior room Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board on request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Deluxe Room

Enjoy contemporary decor in a spacious 40 square meter bedroom that highlights the unique history and culture of Indonesia with plush king bed, marble bath and work area with high-speed Internet access, and exclusive amenities such as daily breakfast, newspaper, mineral water and use of The Spa and Fitness Center.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities & Amenities

* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board on request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour In-Room Dining * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Superior Club

In a luxurious 32 square meter room features a plush king bed, work area with high-speed internet, available separate sitting area and marble bath. Exclusive amenities include welcome fruit basket, and access to the exclusive Aryaduta Club Lounge for complimentary breakfast, cocktails and canapes.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Superior Club Facilities &  Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Deluxe Club

Enjoy exclusive amenities including private Club Lounge with Continental breakfast, evening cocktails in this spacious 40 square meter room. Modern design in cozy earth tones complements a luxurious king bed with fine linens, sitting area, work area with high-speed internet and granite bath with tub and walk-in shower. Some rooms feature a balcony overlooking the park garden.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Deluxe Club Facilities & Amenities

* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Signature Superior Club

In a luxurious 32 square meter room that features plush king and twin beds, work area with high-speed internet, available separate sitting area and marble bath. Enjoy exclusive amenities including access to exclusive Aryaduta Club Lounge with Continental breakfast, and evening cocktails.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Signature Deluxe Club

Modern design in the spacious 40 square meter complements a luxurious king bed with fine linens, sitting area, work area with high-speed internet and granite bath with tub and walk-in shower. Enjoy exclusive amenities including access to exclusive Aryaduta Club Lounge with Continental breakfast, and evening cocktails.

Aryaduta Jakarta

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities &  Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Junior Suite

An elegant 52 square meter room featuring plush king bed, cozy sitting area, work area with high-speed internet, marble bath with separate tub and walk-in shower and added to luxurious amenities including breakfast, daily fresh fruit and access to the private Aryaduta Club Lounge.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities &  Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Separate sitting area * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Signature Junior Suite

and access to the private Aryaduta Club Lounge.

Aryaduta Jakarta
Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Separate sitting area * Marble bath * Iron/ironing board upon request * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * 24-hour concierge

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Business Suite

A lavish top-floor 80 square meter suite features city views and exclusive amenities including living and dining areas, marble bath, work desk with high-speed internet access and bedroom with plush king bed and access to the private Aryaduta Club Lounge for breakfast and cocktails.

Aryaduta Jakarta

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Separate sitting area * Marble bath * Iron & ironing board * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * DVD player * VCD/CD player * 24-hour concierge

Inclusive Benefits
  • Personalized meet- and- greet and check-in and check-out at The Aryaduta Club Lounge
  • Complimentary exclusive buffet breakfast at The Club Lounge
  • Complimentary evening cocktail and canapes from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
  • Complimentary all day tea, coffee, soft drinks and cookies
  • Complimentary refreshments upon arrival
  • Complimentary wired internet connectivity in the comfort of your own room and wireless access at the Aryaduta Club Lounge, Lobby Lounge, JP Bistro, Pool Café and function rooms
  • Fruit basket upon arrival
  • Personalized concierge service
  • Complimentary one hour use of meeting room in Business Center (subject to availability)
  • Complimentary two pieces of light pressing per day (non accumulative)
  • Late check-out until 3.00 p.m. (subject to availability)

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Ambassador Suite

Luxurious 108 square meter suite is perfect for entertaining and includes separate living, dining and kitchen areas, plus a marble bath with separate tub and walk-in shower and bedroom with plush king bed. Endless amenities include Aryaduta Club Lounge access, high-speed internet, same-day laundry and dry cleaning service and fresh fruit daily.
Aryaduta Jakarta

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Kitchenette * Separate sitting area * Marble bath * Iron & ironing board * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels, * DVD player * VCD/CD player * 24-hour concierge

Inclusive Benefits
  • Personalized meet- and- greet and check-in and check-out at The Aryaduta Club Lounge
  • Complimentary exclusive buffet breakfast at The Club Lounge
  • Complimentary evening cocktail and canapes from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
  • Complimentary all day tea, coffee, soft drinks and cookies
  • Complimentary refreshments upon arrival
  • Complimentary wired internet connectivity in the comfort of your own room and wireless access at the Aryaduta Club Lounge, Lobby Lounge, JP Bistro, Pool Café and function rooms
  • Fruit basket upon arrival
  • Personalized concierge service
  • Complimentary one hour use of meeting room in Business Center (subject to availability)
  • Complimentary two pieces of light pressing per day (non accumulative)
  • Late check-out until 3.00 p.m. (subject to availability)

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta type Aryaduta Suite

Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta most luxurious suite stretches an endless 180 square meter and features living, dining and kitchen areas, guest bath, marble master bath with jetted spa and walk-in shower and an elegant king bedroom. Every pampering amenity is including Aryaduta Club Lounge access and fine touches such as fresh fruit and flowers daily make this suite an extraordinary urban retreat.

Aryaduta Jakarta

Facilities & Amenities
* Electronic key card system * Enhanced work desk lighting * Kitchenette * Separate sitting area * Spa tub * Marble bath * Iron & ironing board * Extensive minibar * Individual air conditioning control * In-room safety deposit box * IDD Telephone * Morning newspaper * 2 Bottles of drinking water * Full set of bathroom amenities including Bathrobe, Slippers, Hairdryer * Evening turn-down service * 24-hour in-room dining services * Cable/satellite TV channels * DVD player * 24-hour concierge

Inclusive Benefits

  • Personalized meet- and- greet and check-in and check-out at The Aryaduta Club Lounge
  • Complimentary exclusive buffet breakfast at The Club Lounge
  • Complimentary evening cocktail and canapes from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
  • Complimentary all day tea, coffee, soft drinks and cookies
  • Complimentary refreshments upon arrival
  • Complimentary wired internet connectivity in the comfort of your own room and wireless access at the Aryaduta Club Lounge, Lobby Lounge, JP Bistro, Pool Café and function rooms
  • Fruit basket upon arrival
  • Personalized concierge service
  • Complimentary one hour use of meeting room in Business Center (subject to availability)
  • Complimentary two pieces of light pressing per day (non accumulative)
  • Late check-out until 3.00 p.m. (subject to availability)

Voucher Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta the website for reservation hotels in Indonesia with cheap hotel rates is provides the voucher hotel for Hotel Aryaduta Jakarta, please visit and compare the hotel rates offered and the voucher hotel able to find with the easy step like your reservation to other website hotel reservations, the different is the doesn't have the room allotment,  the system will send your request directly to hotel and after your reservation is confirmed by the hotel, Invoice for the payment will automatically send to your email address. Voucher hotel Aryaduta Jakarta will issued after the payment and ready to download through your account.

The Aryaduta Hotel Jakarta
Jl. Prapatan No. 44 - 48
Jakarta 10110, Indonesia

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Patra Jakarta Hotel located In the heart of Jakarta's industrial district, only 10 minutes away from Tanjung Priok harbor and major shopping centers, only 30 minutes away from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and 20 minutes away from Gambir Railway Station. Patra Jakarta have All 52 spacious guestrooms with modern amenities offers privacy and cozy environment to make your stay most memorable. all Patra Jakarta hotel equipped by facilities and amenities, air-conditioning, Telephone, TV and Video, Bathup and Shower, Hot and Cold water, Tea and Coffee maker, mini bar.

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Redtop Hotel Jakarta

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 comments for Hotel di Jakarta

Indonesia Hotel

Category (stars).:

REDTOP Hotel Pecenongan is an international four star hotel that has become the favored choice for travelers requiring first class accommodation in the heart of Jakarta's commercial business district, RedTop Hotel has 390 well appointed furnished rooms with modern amenities and the comforts of home away from home.

Most rooms at Redtop Hotel have panoramic city views each with separate efficient work area that have fiber optic telephone hook up capabilities, satellite & Cable TV, IDD & voice mail system, broadband internet access, mini bar.
Apart of Superior and Deluxe rooms at Redtop Hotel, the luxurious suite and Plaza club floors offers personalized service at the exclusive Plaza Club Lounge. Redtop Hotel are located near the state Palace, National Monument, Jakarta Museum, Pasar Baru Shopping Center, Glodok elektronic center, ITC/WTC Mangga Dua and The Jakarta Fairgrounds Kemayoran. Easy Access to the "Golden Triangle" (Sudirman - Gatot Subroto - Kuningan) central business district, Gambir Station, Tanjung Priok harbour and containers port.

REDTOP Hotel is an international four star hotel that has become the favored choice for travelers requiring first class accommodation in the heart of Jakarta's commercial business district, RedTop Hotel has 390 well appointed furnished rooms Superior

We have 93 twin bed and 105 double bed that completed with fiber optic
telephone hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system,
Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Superior Room : 29.40 M2


We have 24 twin bed and 116 double bed that completed with fiber optic
telephone hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system,
Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Deluxe Room : 29,40 M2

REDTOP Hotel is an international four star hotel that has become the favored choice for travelers requiring first class accommodation in the heart of Jakarta's commercial business district, RedTop Hotel has 390 well appointed furnished rooms Plaza Club Deluxe

We have one twin bed room and 10 double bed that completed
with fiber optic telephone hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system,
Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Plaza Club Deluxe : 29,40 M2

Plaza Club Suite

We have 18 double bed that completed with fiber optic telephone
hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system, Broadband
internet access and mini bar.

Size for Plaza Club Suite : 55,80 M2

Executive Suite

We have 8 double bed that completed with fiber optic telephone hook up
capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system, Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Executive Suite : 66,80 M2 Food & Beverage Facilities

redtop_dynastiroom.jpgREDTOP Hotel is an international four star hotel that has become the favored choice for travelers requiring first class accommodation in the heart of Jakarta's commercial business district, RedTop Hotel has 390 well appointed furnished rooms Dynasty / Imperial Suite

We have one double bed room that completed with fiber
optic telephone hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail
system, Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Dynasty Suite : 88,20 M2

REDTOP Hotel is an international four star hotel that has become the favored choice for travelers requiring first class accommodation in the heart of Jakarta's commercial business district, RedTop Hotel has 390 well appointed furnished rooms Presidential Suite

We have one double bed room that completed with fiber optic
telephone hook up capabilities, satellite TV, IDD/Voice mail system,
Broadband internet access and mini bar.

Size for Presidential Suite : 110,25 M2
The Gallery Restaurant - 160 seats restaurant, specializing in International & Asian cuisine. Located on Lobby Level.
Open daily 24 hour
Buffet Lunch : Monday - Friday ( 12 noon - 2.30 p.m. )
Ala Carte : Every day 24 hour
The Oriental Cafe - 142 seats restaurant, Modern Asian Cuisine, famous with its Dim Sum buffet and more variety A'la carte menu. Located on Street level.
Everyday ( Monday - Sunday) : 11 a.m. - 02 a.m.
Velvet Lounge & Bar - the great ambiance in town with live music and DJ performance. With 400 best selection of wine and 99 best cocktails around the world.
Live music : Tuesday - Saturday ( 9 p.m - 1 a.m)
Resident DJ : Monday - Sunday ( 5 p.m - 2 a.m)
Open daily from 5 p.m - 2 a.m

Lobby Lounge - a good place for relaxing with live music entertainment. Located on Lobby Level. Open daily 24 hour.
Pool Bar - serving snacks and drinks.
Located on 3rd floor
Monday - Friday : 3.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.
Weekend & Public Holiday : 10.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.
The Pastry Cake Shop - offering wide variety of delicious pastries, cakes and bakeries. Get 30% discount after 7.00 pm & 40% discount after 9 pm. Located on Lobby Level
Mini bar - available in every room.
Room Service 24 Hours.
Hot Spot (Internet Access)
Banquet Facilities
Capacity for wedding and other function for 2000 persons.
Extensive pre-function space adjacent to opened air pool terrace.
Other five executive meeting rooms, very suitable for small and medium size conference.
State of the art of telecommunications and high standard of presentation equipments.
International and traditional wedding decoration.
Furnished with staging equipment & heavy duty power supply.
Professional conference assistance.

Other Facilities @ Redtop Hotel Jakarta
Business center provides an eight person's meeting table and communication facilities including : PCs, fax machine, scanner,
broadband internet access and other secretarial services.
Swimming Pool
Grand Odiseus Fitness Center & Spa
Safe Deposit Box
Parking Area for 500 cars
Drug Store
Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Valet Parking
Electronic Locks & Security
Beauty Salon
Direct Modem Line
Hot Spot

Voucher Hotel Murah di Redtop Hotel Jakarta the website for reservation hotels in Indonesia with cheap hotel rates is provides the voucher hotel for Redtop Hotel Jakarta, please visit and compare the hotel rates offered and the voucher hotel able to find with the easy step like your reservation to other website hotel reservations, the different is the doesn't have the room allotment,  the system will send your request directly to hotel and after your reservation is confirmed by the hotel, Invoice for the payment will automatically send to your email address. Voucher hotel Redtop Hotel Jakarta will issued after the payment and ready to download through your account.

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